Non-NHS Medical Reports & Fees


Private Medical Examinations & Reports

Waterloo Health can provide a wide range of services for your medical examinations, visas and reports. These include:

Insurance claim form for accident/sickness

  • £40.00 (5mins)
  • £120.00 (15mins)fees

Holiday cancellation insurance certificate

  • £40.00 (5mins)
  • £120.00 (15mins)

Life insurance/income protection report from records


Supplementary report


Medical examination for Life insurance/income protection

  • £120 (30mins)
  • £180 (45 mins)

Private medical insurance claim form

  • £40.00 (5mins)
  • £120.00 (15mins)

Adoption/ Fostering Medical Forms including detailed opinion and statement

  • £120.00 (30mins)
  • £180.00 (45mins)

Any other written report providing detailed opinions and statements on the condition of the patient

  • £120 (30mins)
  • £180 (45mins)

NB In legal aid cases consider a reduced rate

Comprehensive clinical examination including report, certificate, or completion of necessary forms

£180 (45mins)

Sports medical (eg diving, based on total time for examination & paperwork)

£60 per 15 minutes

PSV/HGV/Taxi medicals/ Elderly driver medicals


Vaccination certificate


Fitness to travel certificate


Fitness to attend gym certificate


Fitness to perform (e.g. children in shows)


Freedom from infection certificate


Passport photo. Signature


Driving licence signing photo


Private sickness certificate



We can provide a flexible pricing structure and invoice to you or your business. Please contact us to discuss your requirements or contact us about your request via accurx


Private Vaccinations

Sometimes you want to ensure additional cover for you and your family. Waterloo Health offers the following vaccinations for your needs:

  • HPV (Cervical Cancer) – for boys and girls
  • Meningitis B
  • Chicken Pox
  • Shingles

Please contact us for further information.


Vaccination Prices

Please Note: We accept credit card payments only for Waterloo Travel Services. We offer a wide range of vaccinations. If you require more specific information, please contact us.

*Prices are per dose, several doses may be required as part of a course.

Chicken Pox (Varicella)*

  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £75.00

Cholera per does

Cost per Vaccine - Free

Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio*

  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £45.00

Flu Vaccine (seasonal)

Cost per Vaccine - £15.00

Hepatitis A* and Typhoid

  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £85.00

Hepatitis A*

  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £60.00
  • Junior Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £60.00

Hepatitis B*

  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £50.00
  • Cost per Course (VAT Included) - £125.00 (3 Doses)
  • Junior - Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £50.00
  • Junior - Cost per Course (VAT Included) - £125.00 (3 Doses)

Hepatitis A and B Combined*

  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £70.00
  • Cost per Course (VAT Included) - £200.00 (3 Doses)
  • Junior - Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £70.00
  • Junior - Cost per Course (VAT Included) - £200.00 (3 Doses)

HPV (Cervical Cancer) Gardasil*

  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £185.00
  • Cost per Course (VAT Included) - Gardasil 4 £450.00 (3 doses) Gardasil 9 £40.00 consult fee + £185 per dose

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) per dose (private)

Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £185.00

Japanese Encephalitis*

  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £98.00

Meningitis ACWY

Menacwy - Cost per vaccine - free - subject to eligibility criteria (please enquire about private cost if falls outside eligibility).

Menacwy - Cost per vaccine (private) - £60.00

Meningitis B

Meningitis B – Cost per vaccine - free - subject to eligibility criteria (please enquire about private cost if falls outside eligibility).

Meningitis Menveo (certificated)

Cost per Vaccine - £60

MMR Vaccine

Cost per Vaccine - Free


  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £75.00
  • Cost per Course (VAT Included) - £225.00 (3 Doses)

Shingles Vaccine

  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £180.00

Tick-Borne Encephalitis*

  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £65.00
  • Junior Cost per Vaccine - £65.00


  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £50.00
  • Typhoid Oral (Vivotif) - Not available

Yellow Fever (inc cert)

  • Cost per Vaccine (VAT Included) - £75.00
  • Yellow Fever Certificate of Vaccination (VAT Included) - £20.00

Pneumonia (Private)

Pneumonia (Private) - £70.00


Cost per Vaccine - Free

Cost per Vaccine (Private) - £225.00

Whooping Cough (Private)

Cost per Vaccine - £100

RSV - over age 60 only (Private)

RSV - over age 60 only (Private) - £225.00


Why do GPs sometimes charge fees? Your questions are answered in our FAQ.

Isn’t the NHS supposed to be free?

The National Health Service provides most health care to most people free of charge, but there are exceptions: prescription charges have existed since 1951, and there are a number of other services for which fees are charged. Sometimes the charge is made to cover some of the cost of treatment, for example, dental fees; in other cases, it is because the service is not covered by the NHS, for example, medical reports for insurance companies.

Surely the doctor is being paid anyway?

It is important to understand that GPs are not employed by the NHS, they are self-employed, and they have to cover their costs – staff, buildings, heating, lighting, etc – in the same way as any small business. The NHS covers these costs for NHS work, but for non-NHS work the fee has to cover the doctor’s costs.

What is covered by the NHS and what is not?

The Government’s contract with GPs covers medical services to NHS patients. In recent years, more and more organisations have been involving doctors in a whole range of non-medical work. Sometimes the only reason that GPs are asked is because they are in a position of trust in the community, or because an insurance company or employer wants to be sure that information provided is true and accurate.

Can you give examples of non-NHS services for which GPs can charge their NHS patients:

  • accident/sickness insurance certificates
  • certain travel vaccinations
  • private medical insurance reports

Can you give examples of non-NHS services for which GPs can charge other institutions:

  • medical reports for an insurance company
  • some reports for the DSS/Benefits Agency
  • examinations of local authority employees
  • DS 1500 Form (Disability Living/Attendance Allowance)

Is it true that the BMA sets fees for non-NHS work?

The BMA suggests fees for non-NHS work which is not covered under a GP’s NHS contract, to help GPs set their own professional fees. However, these fees are guidelines only, not recommendations, and a doctor is not obliged to charge the rates suggested.

Why does it sometimes take my GP a long time to complete my form?

Time spent completing forms and preparing reports takes the GP away from the medical care of his or her patients. Most GPs have a very heavy workload – the majority work up to 70 hours a week – and paperwork takes up an increasing amount of their time, so many GPs find they have to take some paperwork home at night and weekends.

I only need the doctor’s signature – what is the problem?

When a doctor signs a certificate or completes a report, it is a condition of remaining on the Medical Register that they only sign what they know to be true. In order to complete even the simplest of forms, therefore, the doctor might have to check the patient’s entire medical record. Carelessness or an inaccurate report can have serious consequences for the doctor with the General Medical Council or even the Police.

What will I be charged?

The BMA recommends that GPs tell patients in advance if they will be charged, and how much. It is up to the individual doctor to decide how much to charge, but the BMA produces lists of suggested fees which many doctors use. Surgeries often have lists of fees on the waiting room wall based on these suggested fees.

What can I do to help?

  • Not all documents need signature by a doctor, for example passport applications. You can ask another person in a position of trust to sign such documents free of charge.
  • If you have several forms requiring completion, present them all at once and ask your GP if he or she is prepared to complete them all at once as a (job lot) at a reduced price.
  • Do not expect your GP to process forms overnight. You should expect the form(s) to take up to 4 weeks for the GP to complete and return